News Room
Rebate Programs for Low Income Nova Scotians
- Published: September 29 2021 10:23
Service Nova Scotia and Interal Services and the Salvation Army are working together to provide rebates to low income Nova Scotians struggling with their heating or electrical costs due to financial loss resulting from COVID-19.
Summer Newsletter Now Available!
- Published: July 09 2021 15:14
The summer edition of the Town's quarterly newsletter is available now.
Stellarton Establishes Historian Laureate Position
- Published: July 07 2021 11:22
STELLARTON, NOVA SCOTIA - The Town of Stellarton is now accepting applicants for the role of Historian Laureate!
Stellarton Summer Day Camp
- Published: June 17 2021 14:18
STELLARTON, NOVA SCOTIA – After a long year of challenges and tight restrictions, we’re very excited to be able to offer an adapted day camp this year!
From the Mayor's Office
- Published: May 31 2021 15:28
As a result of the discovery of 215 bodies of First Nations children in Kamloops, BC, Mayor MacGillivray offers the following statement:
Stellarton Launches Information Alert App
- Published: May 17 2021 15:52
STELLARTON, NOVA SCOTIA – Residents and visitors will now be able to get the latest Town updates sent directly to their mobile devices with the new Stellarton App!
Pictou County Transit has Launched!
- Published: May 17 2021 11:12
It's official! Pictou County Transit, a new bus service between Stellarton and New Glasgow, is fully in motion!
*UPDATE* Water Shut Off Notice
- Published: May 11 2021 15:43
UPDATE - June 23, 2021: After being delayed due to the COVID-19 restrictions, water shut offs for accounts that are two billings in arrears or for pre-arrangements that were made but have not been maintained will be conducted beginning in August 2021.