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Stellarton & Westville Police to Share Police Chief

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STELLARTON & WESTVILLE, NOVA SCOTIA - Police Chief, Mark Hobeck, will soon be sharing his services with both the Stellarton and Westville Police.

 As ratified at Stellarton Town Council on June 10, and Westville Town Council on May 27, Stellarton and Westville will share a police chief effective July 8, 2024. It is a decision that both towns see as a benefit.

"Westville and Stellarton Police Services and Commissions have enjoyed a close working relationship for many years. The return to the sharing of one police chief, which was employed previously by the towns, will only strengthen that relationship," said Westville Mayor, Lennie White. "With the pending retirement of Westville Chief, Howie Dunbar, the timing of this move made more sense. We believe it will be a benefit to both communities and create more efficiences."

Stellarton Mayor, Danny MacGillivray, acknowledged that this is not the first time these two towns have shared this service.

"Stellarton Council is pleased that we are able to once again share a police chief with the Town of Westville," MacGillivray stated. "This is being done to realize economic and operational efficiencies. Both towns have relatively small police services, with limited resources, so this is a way to maximize the taxpayer dollars dedicated to keeping our residents safe and well protected."

Chief Mark Hobeck has served as the Police Chief in Stellarton since September of 2019. Prior to this, he served the Halifax Regional Police for 31 years.

When asked about the impending change, Chief Hobeck said, "I am looking forward to growing our relationship with the Westville Police Service. There is strength in collaboration."

Both the Stellarton and Westville Police Service will continue to have on-site availability to residents between 8am-4pm, Monday to Friday, and 24/7 service.

For more information: 
Susan Higdon
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Stellarton

(902) 752-2114

Scot Weeres
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Westville

(902) 396-1500